Comic books have grown to be more complicated compared to the usual Sunday Comic. With more pages to work with, more thought and consideration went into the delivery of the story and the visual elements. To enhance the narrative, sometimes a single scene would go on for many pages.
Although just as many girls read comic as guys nowadays, back then comic was meant to appeal mostly to male. There were attempted to make comic for female, however, it was done by male artists. As World War II went on, women were given a chance to do comic and to represent themselves in comic. As a result, comic is consumed by both genders these days.
After the war, the target for comic became veterans who are used to reading comic as a one of the main source of entertainment in the battle field. Not only does the visual storytelling got technical, the topic of the story also became more serious including crime, war, psychological issue, and sex. However, some believed that these contents should not be allowed for young children and teenager. Therefore, the Comic Code was form banning all explicit content from comic.
I thought this code would kill the comic industry, however, it sparked a very subtle type of storytelling. Most popular example would be Donald Duck, as the artist use ducks and their short funny stories to convey deeper and more meaningful lessons behind. This series has become so successful despite the limitation from the Comic Code.
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